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Your art images should be high resolution images – they should be 300 dpi or greater.  The longest side of any image should be at least 1400 pixels long, and no greater than 4000 pixels. Staff recommends that you submit your four artwork images without watermarks (the signatures or other marks that artists sometimes place over their art.)


All artwork must fit the criteria for one of the following categories and have been completed within the last four years. Entries in more than one category require separate applications. Booth sharing is prohibited unless both artists collaborate to create every piece! All artwork, of course, must be produced by the artist named in this application.

In all categories, 90% only 10% may be original artwork in one other category.  NOTE: Wearable art (clothing or accessories) and household items are prohibited.  The sale of notecards is prohibited.  The purpose of this event is to introduce and promote the sell of original fine art to a discerning community. 


  • Categories included in this Show are, drawing, furniture, glass, jewelry, metal, mixed media, painting, paper, photography, printmaking, sculpture.

  • DRAWING AND PRINTING:  Work created using dry media such as chalk, charcoal, pastels, pencil, and crayons or from fluid media, such as ink applied by brush or pen.  Printed works from which the artist creates the plates, stones or screens and pulls the prints are accepted. (must be signed and numbered)

  • FURNITURE:  Functional works of wood and other materials.  No part of the finished pieces shall be the result of mass production.

  • GLASS:  Functional and non-functional items are accepted.  No part of the finished pieces shall be the result of mass production.  Pressed glass objects are not permitted.

  • JEWELRY:  Personal adornment.  Original and unique designs incorporating any of the following: gold, silver, gemstones, glass, wood, clay and other non-precious materials. No part of the finished pieces shall be the result of Kits or mass production. Must be all handmade and designed by the artist

  • MIXED MEDIA:  Includes 2-D and 3-D non-sculptural work, incorporating more than one type of physical material or processes in its production, i.e. an etching that is then painted or a collage of handmade paper and photography.

  • PAINTINGS AND PRINTMAKING:  Original 2-D work created in oils, acrylics, watercolor, etc.

  • PHOTOGRAPHY:  Limited edition prints from the artist's original film or digital file.  The edition quantity shall not exceed 200 of any one image.

  • SCULPTURE (LARGE):  Defined as over 3 feet tall, functional and non-functional, 3-D work in any medium. 

  • SCULPTURE (SMALL):  Defined as less than 3 feet tall, functional and non-functional, 3-D work in any medium.

  • WOOD:  Works crafted from wood, excluding furniture and sculpture that are hand tooled, machine turned or machine carved.  No magnifying glasses, pens, bottle stoppers or catalogue merchandise are permitted.

  • Not permitted:  strung pearls, craft clay, and use of commercial casts or molds; commercially available pendants and brooches, catalogue merchandise.  Loose stones may not be sold.


  • Works produced with commercial kits (molds, patterns, plans, prefabricated forms, or other commercial methods) are not permitted.

  • Artwork must have been created within the last 4 years, defined as works conceived between 2019 to present.

  • Exhibited work must be consistent with the digital images or slides submitted by the artist and follow Show guidelines.

  • Paintings, graphics, hand pulled prints, and photographs must be appropriately framed or matted and must be displayed in a suitable panel, portfolio or stand.

  • Only the work of the juried artist or collaborating team may be displayed and/or sold.

  • Artists are asked not to display discount signs.

  • Work produced with commercial kits (molds, patterns, plans, prefabricated forms, or other commercial methods) is not permitted.

  •  Use of SALE signs is prohibited. Artists may price work as they see fit, including verbal price negotiation directly with the customer, but artists are not permitted to display discount or mark-down signage in their booth.

Reproduction Policy

All artwork displayed must be original and produced entirely by the hands of the exhibiting artist.  While other fairs may allow reproductions, we do not.


What do we consider a Reproduction?   Any method of making multiple copies of original art using photo, mechanical, digital or casting technology is considered by The Beauty Of Blackness Fine Art Show to be a reproduction. Reproduction technology have one or more of the following characteristics:

  • The work is not the product of the artist’s own hand.

  • The number of reproducible copies is technically limitless.

  • All copies are identical.

  • The copies are produced by commercial entities, and the artist is not involved in the process. 

Methods of creating multi-copy art in limited runs, such as intaglio, lithography, relief painting and other traditional printmaking means, are not considered reproductions.


Regarding photography and digital art, the Art Fair recognizes that artwork created utilizing photographs and/or computer technology are inherently reproducible. We also recognize that the use of cropping, enlargement and darkroom and digital processes can produce different effects even from the same negative/image. All of this is allowed at The Beauty Of Blackness Fine Art Show. We require that participating fine art photographers show only work that they have signed, numbered and produced in limited editions on archival material. Such work is not considered to be a reproduction.


To prevent the sale of mass produced work at The Beauty Of Blackness Fine Art Show, the Fair reserves the right to halt sales of such work on-site, and/or to not invite artists who are believed to be selling reproductions, unlimited editions, mass produced work to future Fairs.


Rule Violation Policy

To insure fairness for every artist, the rules contained in this application will be strictly enforced. Artists not complying with The Beauty Of Blackness Fine Art Show policies will be asked to leave the art fair, without refund. The Beauty Of Blackness Fine Art Show reserves the right to advise artists of any work that does not meet art fair standards and may take any action deemed necessary for compliance. The Beauty Of Blackness Fine Art Show reserves the right to not invite violators to future fairs.

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